
Friday 11 January 2019

Summer learning journey activity 2. day 5

Dear Dad

The tundra is an amazing place but it is FREEZING my friend threw tea into the tundra and it turned into ICE! We went on this long walk up a hill and found dinosaur footprints hidden under the snow. We also stayed in a hotel called the tundra lodge and it was so nice there they served you three daily meals but it cost so much :(.  I also went on a 2 hour hike but my friend stayed behind because she was to cold and said that it wasn't worth it but trust me it was. and finally we decided to take a selfie at the top of the hill I will show you when I get home I still have 2 hours on the plane and i'm thinking of getting pancakes for a late breakfast, love you and see you soon.
Love Jaimie.

1 comment:

  1. Hi there Jaimie,

    Well done on another Summer Learning Journey activity completed, keep them coming!

    What a fantastic letter you have written to your Dad about the Tundra! It is so descriptive, I almost thought you were really there! How cool would it be to see liquid turn to ice right before your eyes but gosh, you are right about it being super freezing, not too sure how much I'd like that.

    Do you think you would like to go to the Tundra if you had the opportunity?

    Until next time, happy blogging. :)


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