
Wednesday 5 September 2018

Why phones should be banned from school

W.A.L.T I enjoyed writing my story and hearing from everyone else's opinion towards this topic. I found it difficult to use the right words to explain my opinion properly.I also think I need to work on re reading my work and adding more facts to make my opinion stronger.

Why I think cellphones Should be banned.

Dear: Jacinta audearn

In my opinion, cellphones can cause many distractions
in class and lunch break. I think that cellphones should only
be used outside of school grounds because the teachers/staff get
paid to deal with any injuries that endure during school break, class,
and school bounds.

While phones are helpful to have if you are needing to tell your
parents important information, they should be handed up to the office
an put away because,if your parents send you an important email they
can be notified at the end of the day and another reason is someone else
can pinch your phone! Also if someone has an opinion of we need them
to research I am sure most school’s are provided with chrome books.

Class Is not a time to be cheating or playing on your cell phones you go to
school to learn. So that's why I highly recommended cell phones should be

Sincerely: Jaimie


  1. Hey Jaimie,
    I really enjoyed reading your persuasive writing. I also wrote about how they should be banned too. Maybe next time you could support your opinions with some facts or you could have one complex sentence. Also to add more information and to work on your sentence structure.
    Other than that, Great Job !

  2. Thanks Hingano,
    I will be sure to include more facts and work on my structure in my next persuasive writing thanks for your feedback be sure to look at my blog again soon!


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